Wednesday, February 02, 2011

February: alcohol free month

Sometimes it's interesting to give yourself a good challenge. So this month I've decided to stop drinking alcohol for a month. I drink quite a lot in the weekend during parties and I enjoy it. I'm going to do it because it's interesting to see how life is without it for a while. And of course to give my body a little rest.

So Monday was my last day of drinking. I went to the cinema at the Nieuwe Anita and drank lots of wine. And now, for the entire month of February I'm not going to touch alcohol. I did these alcohol free months before and I even stopped smoking for a month. And judging by previous experiences I'm up for a boring, but at least a hangover free month.


Anonymous 5tarvin said...

ten eerste kies je korste maand die er is en ten 2de loop je nu al 25 dagen achter op mij

6:29 pm  
Anonymous paps en moeders said...

Ga zo door en na die maand een beetje minder dan "normaal".

2:02 pm  
Anonymous Kim said...

The google translation tool isn't working really well, ... but...

I'd like to tell you, that you can do this! I wih you all the best in quiting your habit! Greetz from KL, Malaysia.


6:03 am  
Blogger Robin Stam said...

Hi Kim, thanks for your support. I'm actually not quitting, but interrupting my habit. But it's going quite good so far. And this weekend proved that you don't really need alcohol to have a great party ;-).

11:45 am  

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