Thursday, August 11, 2011

Singing in the Rain

No, I'm not like most Dutch people who complain about the weather all the time. I knew, that as soon as I cross the border I'd have to deal with a lot of rain. So I knew what I was getting into when I moved back from Belgium to Holland. Who cares if summer has been exchanged for autumn. More time to spend partying in clubs.

But what I do mind is that these dark clouds have been terrorizing Pluk de Nacht, the coolest filmfestival of Amsterdam. This festival is organised by movie enthusiasts, and they ask no entrance. They depend on donations of the audience and sales of drinks. And they play independent movies that didn't get the attention they deserved in Holland. The problem is: it's in the open air. And it has been non-stop raining since the opening night on Thursday.

On the opening night last Thursday I was watching a German movie (Ueber Uns Das All) in a beach chair and every once in a while I had to open my umbrella because of the rain. It didn't matter to me because the movie was very good.

In trade for a donation, one can reserve a beach chair. So I gambled a bit and reserved chairs on Wednesday and Friday. On Wednesday the weather was impossible. Let's hope it's going to be better tomorrow. And otherwise I'll stay in a warm pub with a cold beer, watching the rain outside, knowing that my ten euro goes straight to a good cause.


Anonymous 5tarvin said...

ik krijg ook nog geld van je

10:12 pm  

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