Sunday, January 30, 2011

Canon Ixus 1000HS

The fisheye effect, a nice extra of my new camera

A typical side effect of being a male, is that every now and then you lose money because of the need for a new gadget. Whether it's an iPhone, a new netbook or a portable game console with a 3D screen. For me it was time to replace my old pocket camera.

When it comes down to buying a camera, money is no issue for me. That's because a camera is more than a little gadget, it also your memories. All the vacations, friends, festivals and birthdays of at least 2 years to come will be shot with this camera and the quality of the camera defines exactly how sharp you will see these memories.

So after reading a lot of reviews, I finally found my perfect camera: the Canon Ixus 1000HS. This one was by far the best in picture and video quality combined. For the really perfect pictures I already have a digital SLR, but this is a nice, handy snapshot cam. Oh, and it has funny extra's like the fisheye lens, the miniature effect and slow motion video. These functions are very convenient when you want to brag to others about your new camera.


Anonymous 5tarvin said...

wat een mooie camera
goeie keuze ...ben wel een beetje jaloers

3:38 pm  
Blogger Paps en Moeders said...

Wat een breede schouders en dan die dikke "sportschoolnek" ha ha.
Wel een leuke foto hoor.
Ik zie je liever zoals je bent, lang, dun en lekker.
Maar het belangrijkste vind ik dat je een heel goed, en lief persoon bent.

1:58 pm  

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