Saturday, July 03, 2010

A different lion

My happy (and drunk) colleagues after the victory of Holland

I've never been a big fan of soccer. Any sport where people start rolling on the ground in agony after a lowkick seems kind of lame to me. But I do like a good party. And the good thing about the world championship soccer is that people watch it in the pub. And the excitement there, contaminates even a soccer hater like me.

Yesterday Lemz closed earlier so that everybody could see the match of Holland-Brazil in the pub. It's a pity for my Brazillian teammate Luiz, but Holland was victorious. The lion seems stronger than ever.

Talking about competitions: because Holland is about as small as Belgium, it's only natural that the Dutch advertising industry compares their amount of Cannes Lions with that of our neighbour country. And Belgium has won again. Holland has won 16 lions and Belgium has won 17 lions. So the irony is, that in a way I am responsible for the one lion that gave Belgium the advantage ;-).


Anonymous 5tarvin said...

dus jij veroorzaakt een eigen goal in voordeeel van belgie
ja sorry robin maar daar hebben we hier benamingen voor

12:31 pm  
Blogger Robin Stam said...

Haha, van de voetbal moeten de Belgen het niet hebben dus ik gun het ze wel ;-).

4:06 pm  

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