One of the worst political promotion movies ever
Last post I was probably just imagining that nothing happens in Holland. Tomorrow the elections have started in Holland. And even though I don't really care about politics a lot, it is exciting to follow the news and to see all the debates between the aspiring politicians.
Less exciting are the campaigns around the election. Not one campaign has made a lasting impression on me. It's because most of the parties are conservative as hell. Not as in 'right-winged conservative', but as in 'a total lack of innovation'. When I walk from the station to the ferry, every day there's an army of political activists who try to push a flyer in my hand. A fucking flyer?!
2010 is the year when innovative media became common: social networks, blogs, iPhone, Youtube. And the political parties still hand out flyers on the street with a big toothpaste smile. Even the green parties do it (no, I don't care if it's printed on recyled paper). At least the socialist party gave a sponge with it, to symbolize that they want to clean up politics. Well, at least they try.
A party that also tries -but a bit too much- is Trots op Nederland, which translates as Proud of Holland. In the movie above, one of the ministers talks about politics while an old lady is beaten up right behind her. It's just hilarious. The rest of the movie is a compilation of literally translated Dutch expressions and bad clichés. It was a total hit on YouTube because anything stupid becomes a hit on Youtube. But according to the prognosis they're going to need a miracle to make it into the Dutch lower chamber. When does politics finally wake up?
Zeker dat dit geen parodie is?
Nee het is een echte verkiezingsfilm en geen parodie. En dat andere filmpje (van rapper Speak) ook niet.
Over rapper Speak:
Ach, 't raakt wel een snaar. Maar ja, ik ben ook te vergeeflijk als de bedoelde betekenis maar OK is.
...stòòòòp the wàààààr...
Ik mag ze wel, die Oostblok-jongens
Amigo S.
Daar heb je wel gelijk in Anyonymous. Ik zou dan ook eerder op rapper Speak stemmen dan op Rita Verdonk :-D.
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