Sunday, December 13, 2009

Goodbye Marton

Another Miami Ad School quarter has ended, another intern leaves. On Friday I said goodbye to Marton Jedlicska, who has been my art director for the last 2,5 months. When I first saw his portfolio, I expected a lot from him and he totally matched those expectations. Together with him I made three things that ended up on the best of-wall in the agency and next week a TV-commercial is going to be shot. That's a really good score, considering we had to plough through really shitty briefings in the beginning.
He has been the last intern before I leave Duval Guillaume. I'm leaving because I want to work with a permanent teampartner, but that doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy working with Miami Ad School interns. In fact, from all of them I learned a lot. I profited from getting the knowledge of the freshest Miami Ad School-students while working on real briefings. This also has its disadvantages. Because in an agency you're never seen as a full team. So every time I had to prove all over again that we can handle the big briefs. Of course you can argue that every briefing is another chance to make good work. This is true, but having to do the tough jobs without getting the 'cherries on the cake' is something that doesn't make you happy.
Marton is one of the creatives of whom I'm sure he's going to be very successful. Besides being a very good creative, he's also a really nice person to work with. He has the tendency to be stubborn, but he never tries to push his ideas. Instead he keeps on looking for that one concept that is so good you can't argue about it. And the incredible thing is, this was only his first internship so who knows how he's going to develop in his final three quarters. I wish Marton a lot of success in his next, well deserved internship at Sapient/Nitro New York.


Blogger Márton Jedlicska said...

Thanks Robin it was a pleasure too, Good Luck in Hamburg.

8:58 am  

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