Thursday, January 22, 2009

Working for nothing

Sometimes when you're working in an ad agency you have the impression that you're working your ass off for absolutely no purpose at all. Like yesterday. I was working with Dutch intern Marlon on an assignment for a couple of days. Yigit was in Istanbul. Marlon's teamparner Reinier was in Holland so it was a good moment to work together. We've been working our ass off for an assignment to get everything ready for the presentation. And then it seems in the last moment that, because of technical/political reasons, our concept was impossible to get produced.

This meant 1,5 days of work down the drain. Marlon and I both reacted like "okay, well nothing to do about it". How else could we react? Nobody could do anything about it and it was nobody's fault that this happened. But it's just typical. Working in advertising sometimes means days (or even weeks) of working without any result, or even without anybody noticing that you worked your ass off. On the other hand, sometimes you get an assignment and in the first second you have the idea and that's it; and that same idea is winning awards. Moments like those are rare, but I hope there's one of these moments coming soon.


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