Saturday, November 01, 2008

Looking at one of the more interesting scenes on the monitor

Some weeks you just think that there's no way you can finish all the work. And then at the end of the week everything somehow turned out to go in the right direction. It's almost as if concepting gets better if you're under a lot of pressure. It's something I hear from a lot of creatives.

On Thursday we had a shooting. To get there in time I had to wake up at 6 o'clock, which I think is not a good time for creatives. When I was onhalf asleep at the set I realized that this was the first (professional) filmshoot since I made the Fanta commercials at McCann-Ericksson Holland. Okay, in Germany an idea of mine was filmed for the Alzheimer foundation, but that was made especially for a class of the Miami Ad School.

This shooting day was an exceptional one. Because there wasn't a lot of budget we had to shoot four commercials in one day (!). Luckily they were small commercials and the shots weren't very complicated. But we had to give all our attention because before you realized it one shoot was finished and we had to go to another location.

I cannot remember one shooting in which everything was without problems. Neither was this one.What really made me nervous was a shooting on the golf track. It was supposed to look sunny, but what happened when we arrived? There was a layer of icy snow on the entire gofl field. Not even the best post production could have changed anything that snowy look so we were in big trouble. The crew solved it by looking for a location that looked less snowy and luckily they found a good view. Some employees of the golf field blew away the snow in the foreground and voila... it looked like just another bright day on the golftrack. But behind the scenes peoples toes were frozen and noses were dripping.

At the end of the day, we filmed the packshots. After an entire day of shooting different commercials with different actors it seems difficult to stay focused on a hand taking the lid off a small box. But these shots are just as important, so we continued until the last seemingly meaningless shot was filmed. At 21:30 the work was done.

Friday started with reviews, ended with reviews and at the end of the day I hurried to the station to catch the train to Amsterdam. Monday I have a photoshooting but until then I'm going to relax in Holland. It's raining here, but at least there's no snow.


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