Face to face-week
Working harder, make it better
Do it faster, makes us stronger
More than ever hour after
hour work is never over
(Text from: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk)
This text from Daft Punk probably describes the intensity of the face to face week the best. The Miami Ad School's infamous evaluation week starts next week and that means we have to execute all our ideas. Right now it's 27 degrees Celcius in Stockholm and for the Sweden that's bloody hot. But I''m sitting inside behind my computer to work.
Along with the face to face week comes the 'executing madness', an interesting phenomenon that's unique for the Miami Ad School which I described in an earlier posts before. Around the Hamburg school people probably dress up, make strange constructions with stones and decorate the photo studio to make photographs for their campaigns.
Wednesday we made a Jewish star for an ambient campaign for a holocaust exhibition. Due to lack of time, we had to make the star in store where we bought the fabric. It must have raised a few eyebrows of customers, but at that moment you don't think of that. You just do it.
Face to face week in stockholm doesn't seem as intense as in the Hamburg school. From now on, the school is probably open 24 hours a day and students are working there. I wish all the MAS-students (wherever in the world they are) good luck with their face to face week. Whatever you do, don't panic. Just accept the suffering and enjoy the madness.
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