Sunday, January 28, 2007

Work hard, party harder

My money is running out. And that's a big problem for me because I have a really expensive hobby: partying. Actually it's more than a hobby, it's a must. My Rumanian co-student Dan, who is also in Brussels now, said to me this weekend: "I have to go out, because if I don't go out in the weekend it looks like you're working seven days a week". I can't describe the feeling better. For me, partying is not a waste of time, it's therapy. It keeps me relaxed during the week. When you've had a useful, but busy working week there's nothing more rewarding than standing in a club with a bottle of beer and dancing with a nice girl.

But I have to limit my spendings on partying. In Hamburg I never had any problems. That was because I still worked for a Dutch agency called Energize. Besides, Hamburg was really cheap to go out. Yesterday I went to a really cool, but expensive club in Brussels called Dirty Dancing. I managed to party the whole night with just 25 euro, which was difficult for me.

It's only a practice for next quarter, because there's a pretty good chance I go to Stockholm, Sweden. It's a city where everybody runs out of money because a beer in a club costs 5 euro. Next week I think I'm going to find some cheap ass underground clubs in Brussels. A club like the Pudel Club in Hamburg, where music is great, people are crazy and beer is cheap. If you haven't got money, you have to be creative and usually you end up at the best places.


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