Thursday, September 07, 2006

This proves you can have fun while working Posted by Picasa

It´s face to face week and that means hard work. It´s harder for me than last quarter because this quarter I planned everything a little too optimistic. Every day you have the idea that you can never finish your work, but somehow you always do. It just takes a little more effort.

But lack of time actually makes you creative. Everybody here has its own way of dealing with their lack of time. The most obvious ways of dealing with an impossible deadline was put into practice by a very clever student this week; he just called his presentation map 'work in progress' and presented it likewise. After that, the Einstein who made this had to work all night anyway, but at least he could focus more on other classes.

You can also combine assignments with each other to save time. One student used photographs that another student made for his photo class to use in a film and he put music under it that he used in an earlier assignment.

You can also not sleep. Which is what I have not been doing most of the time. The last three days I haven't been home and slept a total of six and a half hours on a camping matress or on a couch. I was so tired, I actually looked my age for the first time this quarter. But today I had a good face to face evaluation and I seem to have a little more time now.

The smart presentation map in the picture above symbolizes in a way what the face to face week really is: work in progress. The whole week. Day and night. I'm working at home right now. It's 1.45 in the night and a lot of students are still hard working in school. Good luck everybody. "And whatever you do, don't fall asleep".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nog ff volhouden hè! Straks ga je lekker op vakantie. Begin oktober komen Anita en ik trouwens niet want we konden onze agenda niet op elkaar afstemmen. En aangezien Edwin deze week naar Nederland komt, heeft het voor Anita voorlopig ook niet zo heel veel zin. Ik wil nog wel graag een weekend naar je toekomen maar weet nog niet precies wanneer. Tot wanneer zit je in je huidige woning? x-je zusje

3:30 pm  

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