Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The week before...

I´m busy executing all my ideas for the face to face week. Next week it starts. As regular readers already know, I´ll be only working and sleeping from now on. I already brought my matress and sleeping bag to school just in case I have to sleep over.

Yesterday I made some ads, brainstormed for a competition, edited a videoclip and I wrote a long copy of 1060 words (in a record time of 1,5 hour). Today I have even more to do. It's crazy, but as always: it's exciting and after two weeks I can finally rest a little.

I spoke to the woman who is responsible for the Dutch Miami Ad School. There's going to be a special program for photography and design in Amsterdam and there's even going to be a full time study. The first two quarters it will be possible to study in Amsterdam and after that the students will have to go abroad. There's no location for the school yet, but they plan to start the study in January.

Today, a lesson has just been cancelled, which gives me a lot of extra time to finish my videoclip for the Electronic editing class. There's always more work. I'm far behind with everything, but I'll manage. As always...


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