Thursday, February 23, 2006

It´s still a late club

There haven´t been a post of me the whole week. You´ve probably guessed it´s very busy. Right now it´s ten o´clock. I just had concept class and tomorrow we have to perfectionize a lot of campaigns for the ad layout class. That means we´ll all be in school for a while.

So I´m sitting in class with some fellow late working students. They all had too little sleep this week, but everyone has to go on. I already made some work, but tonight I also have some writing to do for Energize, the online company from Holland I work for.

I guess you can still call this the ´late club´. Only this time it's not with people who are too late, but with people who stay too late. Oh well, tomorrow it´s weekend again and I can enjoy a well deserved rest. At least until saturday night ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jajaajaj ...saterdaynight ...reeperbahn ...hmmms makes me wunder!!

12:22 am  

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